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The fourth World Internet Conference(世界互联网大会)took place in Wuzhen,Zhejiang province.Many companies showed us their newest technology(技术). Let’s take a look at three ofthem.第四届世界互联网大会在浙江乌镇举行,我们一起去看看其中的三个(有意思的)部分吧!

This all plane has only one seat. Andit’s for the passenger,not the pilot! It’s theworld’s first passenger drone(无人机).It’scalled Ehang 184.这架小型飞机只有一个座位,是留给乘客的,不是留给飞行员的!它是世界上第一架无人驾驶飞机(无人机),名叫“亿航184”.

The Tmall unmanned supermarket(天猫无人超市)is a big star. You can scan a QR code(扫描二维码)with your cell phone to enter the supermarket. A computer recognizes(识别)your face. Ifyou ile at it,you can also get a discount. You pick your goods(商品)and walk out of the supermarket.Your money will go from your account(账户)to the supermarket. You don’t need to stopto pay. 天猫无人超市是一个大明星.你可以用手机扫描二维码进入超市.电脑能认出你的脸,如果你对它微笑,你还可以得到折扣.挑选好你的商品后,你可以直接走出超市.(因为)你的消费会从你的账户里扣转到超市,(所以)你不需要停下来付款.

I’m Xiao Yi,a hospital guiderobot(导诊机器人). You can’t findthe doctor’s office?You want toregister(挂号)?Ask me! I canshow you the way on my touchscreen(触摸屏).

How many nuts can a squirrel( 松鼠)bury?A squirrel buries 3,000 to 10,000 nutsevery year! But surprisingly,the little animalcan find most of them. How does it dothat? 一只松鼠到底能埋多少坚果呢?一只松鼠每年可以埋3000 到10000 颗坚果!但令人不可思议的是,这只小动物能找到其中的大多数.它是怎么做到的?

Squirrels like putting one kind of nuts in one place. For example,they may put hazelnuts(榛子)under a tree. They may put walnuts(核桃)close to a rock.Want to find a walnut?They don’the to look everywhere. They just go to the rock.Are squirrels art?You can learn from them.Before a school day,put your books and pens in one place that you can remember. The next morning,it will be easier to find them. 松鼠喜欢把一种坚果放在一个地方.例如,它们可能把榛子放在树下,它们也可以把核桃放在靠近岩石的地方.想找一颗核桃?它们不用到处去找,只需要去岩石那里翻.松鼠聪明吗?(当然.)你可以向它们学习,(比如)在上学前,把你的书和笔放在一个你能记得的地方.第二天早上,你就会更容易地找到它们了.

He a go做一做.判断下面两句话是对是错.

1. Every year,a squirrel buries 1,000 nuts.( )

2. Squirrels like putting one kind of nuts in one place.( )

Answers:1. F;2.T

He you ever read martial arts novels(武侠小说)? Even if you hen’t,you’ve probablywatched films or TV shows,or played computer games about these stories. 你看过武侠小说吗?即使你没有,你也可能看过电影或电视节目,或玩过关于这些故事的电脑游戏.

Martial arts novels are a big part of Chinesepop culture. Almost every Chinese knows aboutsome characters or martial arts moves( 武功招式)from these books. These books show a fantasy(幻想的)world called jianghu. Xia,or fightingheroes(英雄),live in jianghu. They do martialarts and fight for honor(荣誉). 武侠小说是中国流行文化的重要组成部分.几乎每一个中国人都知道这些书中的一些人物或武功招式.这些书呈现了一个叫做“江湖”的奇幻世界.侠客或战斗英雄们生活在江湖里.他们习武并为荣誉而战.

Legends of the Condor Heroes《射雕英雄传》is one of the most famous martial arts novels. AnEnglish version(版本)of the book will come out in February. The book tells the story of Guo Jing.He is not a very talented young man. But he tries his best and becomes a hero to fight for his country.《射雕英雄传》是最著名的武侠小说之一,它的英文版本于2月出版.这本书讲述了郭靖的故事,虽然他不是一个很有天分的年轻人,但他尽自己最大的努力,成为了为国家而战的英雄.

The book is popular in China. But what about the English version? Will foreign readers enjoyjianghu,too? 这本书在中国很受欢迎.但是英文版呢?外国读者也会喜欢江湖吗?Anna Holmwood,from the UK,is the translator of the book.

She doesn’t think this will be a problem. Western people alsoread stories about knights(骑士)and novels like The Three Musketeers(《三个手》),she says. These stories are very muchlike martial arts novels. 来自英国的安娜·霍尔姆伍德是《射雕英雄传》的翻译,她不认为这是个问题.她说,西方人也读关于骑士的故事,也喜欢如《三个手》这样的小说.这些故事和中国的武侠小说非常像.

Some people may think jianghu is too foreign for Westerners. However,people around theworld can enjoy the love,loyalty(忠诚)and honor in the stories,Holmwood wrote in her book.有些人可能认为“江湖”对西方人来说太陌生了.然而,世界各地的人们都可以通过小说享受故事中的爱、忠诚和荣誉,霍姆伍德在她的书中这样写道.

The translator Anna Holmwood has a British father and a Swedish( 瑞典的)mother. Shespeaks English and Swedish. She used to study history at the University of Oxford. She began tolearn Chinese in 2005. Later,she spent five years translating the first part of Legends of the CondorHeroes. The following are some of her translations. 翻译安娜·霍姆伍德有一位英国父亲和一位瑞典籍母亲,她会说英语和瑞典语,她曾在牛津大学学习历史.2005年,她开始学中文.之后,她花了五年时间翻译《射雕英雄传》的第一部分.以下是她翻译的一些词语:

●降龙十八掌The 18 palm attacks to defeat dragons

●九阴白骨爪Nine Yin Skeleton Claw

●江南七怪Seven Freaks of the South

●东邪黄药师The Eastern Heretic Apothecary Huang

★Jin Yong is the writer of Legends of the Condor Heroes. He is al?so the most famous martial arts novel writer in China.金庸是《射雕英雄传》的作者.他也是中国最著名的武侠小说家.

★Jin’s real name is Cha Leung-yung. In 1924,Jin was born intoa rich and literary(精通文学的)family in Zhejiang. His family evenhas plaques(牌匾)that he inscriptions(题字)by Emperor Kangxi.Jin’s cousin Xu Zhimo was a famous poet(诗人). 金庸的真名叫查良镛.1924,金庸出生于浙江一个精通文学的家庭.他的家人甚至有康熙皇帝题字的牌匾.他的表哥徐志摩是一位著名的诗人.

★Jin learned a lot of traditional Chinese culture. You can see this in Jin’s books. Jin put realhistory into his stories. He also used many Chinese poems and idioms(习语)in his books. 金庸学习了许多中国传统文化(有丰富的传统文化知识).你可以在他的小说中看到这些知识.金庸把真实的历史写进他的小说里.他还在他的小说使用很多古诗和成语.

★Other famous Chinese martial arts novel writers include Liang Yusheng,Gu Long and WenRui’an.其他中国著名武侠小说作家还有梁羽生、古龙和温瑞安.



