信息化教学方面有关毕业论文格式模板范文 和信息化教学手段契合以学生为中心的高职英语课堂以一堂商务英语课的教学设计为例类参考文献格式范文



中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16871/j.cnki.kjwhc.2018.06.080

摘 要高职学生对英语的毫无兴趣严重影响了课堂学习效率.本文在遵循“以学生为中心”的理念指导下,运用信息化教学手段,并通过一堂课的教学设计实例,阐述了提高高职学生英语课堂学习效率的有效办法.


On the Application of Information-based Teaching Meansin "Student-centered" Higher Vocational English Classes:Taking the Teaching Design of a "Business English" Lesson as an Example // Yu Haifeng

Abstract Higher vocational students´ lack of interest in Englishhas seriously affected the efficiency of classroom learning. Guidedby the "student-centered" concept, and using information-basedteaching means, this paper expounds effective ways to improvethe classroom learning efficiency of higher vocational Englishthrough an example of teaching design for a lesson.

Key words learning efficiency;student-centered;information-based teaching;teaching design




【教授内容】Unit 3 business calls.


【教学目标】(1)Knowledge aims: To make studentslearn to understand and grasp the useful expressionsabout making business calls. (2)Abilityaims: To enable students to act out making businesscalls in different business situations. (3)Affection aims: ①To make students learn to be politeperson whatever in daily life or in the work;②To develop students´ work awareness.

【教学步骤】(1)Students´ Preparation for Class:Task1: Ask Ss to learn the useful expressionsabout making business calls through the WeChatgroup and Internet. Task2: Ask Ss to sum up theuseful expressions according to the business situationand write them down and then send in throughthe Internet to my e-mail. Then teacher checkstheir answers one by one and make comments. (设计意图:(1)翻转课堂:教师把上课相关内容传至班级微信群,学生通过微信群、网络等自主学习.(2)学生把自己总结的相关常用语传到老师邮箱,老师检查并评价.)

(2)Show Task (7 minutes): ①Check the homework.Every group to report your summary beforethe class. According to the 4 groups we he dividedlast class.(设计意图:检查预习情况,同时检查小组合作学习效果.教师分别给每组打分.)②Begin newlessons. Lead-in: To watch 2 short videos. One isabout a call between friends, the other is a callbetween a salean and a client. Then to answerthe following questions: What are they doing? Whatare they talking about? What do you think are thedifferences between business calls and personalcalls? (their talking time, place, feeling and soon). How do you make or receive a phone call?Gives us some tips .(设计意图:看视频导入新课.提问题,明确任务:通过看视频形象直观,调动气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣.同时引出与本节课主题相关的关键词:businesscalls.提出问题,学生明确任务.)Task: Ask Ss tohe a discussion in groups and answer the questionabove and write down some points throughstudying on Internet before the class, then everygroup report your results one by one.(设计意图:讨论任务:小组通过结合自己的课前问题准备,汇报讨论结果.教师分别给每组打分.)

(3)Discuss Task (10 minutes). Learning the newlessons: ①a. Learning the useful expressions indifferent situations in the text. b. A matchinggame. ②Learning dialogues in the text. Conversation1 2 3 in Speaking part in page 54 55 56: a.To find out the useful expressions. b. To judgethe situation. c. Pair work to perform the dialogue.(设计意图:学习并模拟场景中的商务电话会话,掌握基础知识的同时,为后面的任务练习做热身.)

(4)Present Task and Evaluate Task (18minutes):Consolidation: ①Dubbing performance. Dub the 2ndvideo in the lead-in part in their download App.②Role play. Ask students to make up dialogs usingthe information given in P51. Then act in class.③ Recording their dialogs, teacher and studentake comment on their performance and make out thefinal score.(设计意图:巩固练习,分组进行:①配音表演导入视频2 的对话.学生在移动端APP 中直接配音表演,系统将自动评分.②角色扮演书上两个对话;③教师现场录像;回放录像:表演学生自评(自己查找语音语调错误并改正),其他组同学点评(查找语音语调错误及表演真实度),教师最后总体点评.)

(5)Complete Task (5 minutes). Summary: Sum upwhat we learned today and go over the useful expressionsand ask Ss to read them loudly togetheragain. Ask Ss to practise them in business situationas much as possible. Assignment: ①Ask Ss toScan two dimensional code to obtain personalizedwork. ②Ask Ss to perfomance their homework afterclass and then perform next time.(设计意图:总结:老师和同学们一起总结今天所学的语言知识,大声朗读.要求学生尽量在商务环境中打电话.布置作业:①学生移动端扫码获取个性化作业.②创编作业中情景剧并表演上传至PC 端.)

【课堂创新】(1)充分运用信息化手段.①互联网上查询资料,交流互动,丰富学习手段.②通过APP 情境对话创编和role play, 调动学生热情,激活思维.③通过小组合作学习,得到最终评分,扫码个性化作业,激发竞争意识,训练团队意识,提高学习的主动性和自觉性.(2)以任务为导向,环环相扣.充分体现“做中学,学中做”的原则和“以学生为中心的”理念,达到了学以致用和在真实商务情境中综合运用语言的能力,提高了学习效率.


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